Bali to Darwin…Finally!

I generally try to be quite considerate when I am on an aircraft. I don’t put my seat back most of the time if I think it will bother the people behind me. I don’t kick the seat in front of me. I dont take masses of oversized hand luggage with me. For the most part I try to think what I would or wouldn’t like….

So here we are on a nite flight and the woman sitting beside me was happily sleeping on her partner’s shoulder when I got on the plane with all of the aircraft interior lights on. Plane took off, the crew turned the cabin lights off and I turned my reading light on. Now the woman who slept with all the lights on is making a big show of my reading light and has even tied a rag around her eyes. What can I say? Get a life love! I am now going to read for longer!!

A reading light

A reading light