I’ve spent a lot of time in Sydney in my life. I actually have trouble working out how much time I was there for because I went to boarding school there whilst we were living in Papua New Guinea so I cant decide to count that time as me living in PNG or in Australia. This however was NOT the Sydney that I know!

Sydney, Nova Scotia – As far away from Sydney, Australia as you can get. No Harbour Bridge, no Opera House. Not even a Civic Centre. It’s very much a one horse town. I walked all over Sydney. It didnt take long! The main street is Charlotte Street and to be honest there isnt a lot there.


Property prices are incredibly cheap unlike Australia…


There are a couple of churches


and an old bank building


Outside of that, the only common link is that they have a harbour…


Anyway… I enjoyed walking around the town. It’s pretty kewl to be able to say I have been to both Sydneys!!